Saturday, January 24, 2009

Writing: You Taught Me

You talk about her
You haven't learnt much
But I have
You have tought me a lot

You taught me
That no matter how hard
You fall for someone
They might not pick you up

You taught me
That no matter how hard
You hold on to something
Something can be nothing

You taught me
That no matter how shitty
Things are at the time
More feeling doesn't change that

You taught me
That strong friendships
Can make it through
Past things broken

You taught me
To leave the past behind
Because when moving foreword
It makes you trip

But one thing you
Just couldn't teach me is
That you need to let go
Because time moves on

That there is someone
With substance
That causes light
In the darkest tunnel

1 comment:

  1. Very good! i love the part about the past tripping you up when you try to move forward. Great imagery there!
