Monday, May 18, 2009
You have to listen to this guy!
and yes that girl voice that takes you by surprise is him.
Writing: Don't Care Anyway
That I'm not around
Why would you care anyway
Your off my trail
What makes her better?
Is it cause you can't have me?
Cause she's everything I'm not?
You must not care anyway
She tells you everything I do
No secrets for me to hide
Do I deserve this
After the steps I have made?
What makes her better?
Feels like a betrayal on me
Past is completely gone
You haven't cared anyway
If you want to play a game
Keep your fists down
Because I am out
I don't want to care anyway
What makes her better?
She doesn't see you like I do
I see the boy that I left behind
But what do you care anyway?
Sunday, May 17, 2009
Writing: One Word, Clutch
His hand clutches mine. He is my wall. He keeps me grounded and standing tall. We walk out together hand in hand. Ready to face our doom, together. Cameras are flashing and news crewmen are screaming. He holds my hand tighter and we go into the unknown.
Writing: Stupid Boys
Stupid boy
Doesn't realize
What is right infront of him
Doesn't see someone
Screaming out his name
Stays single
Never making a full move
Maybe afraid or just not seeing it
Stupid boy
Doesn't have a heart
Not heart to give
Wears his emotions on his sleeve
From one girl to another
No simpathy and without a care
Just wants a girl to call his
Doesn't realize what goes wrong
Until its to late
Stupid boy
Immaturity on the highest
Too carefree to understand
Too pushy to let go
Doesn't know when to stop
Doesn't know when it's over
Keeps going when its way over
So many friends that keep him joking
So many stupid boys
I know them all
All I can do is wait
Wait till they learn
To listen and to care
And to stop and just
Just look around
Writing: One Word, Saving
Saturday, May 9, 2009
Writing: One Word, Dusk
Night. With the smell of bonfires and tiki lamps. The splash of a pool and the music of a party. The sight of a sun seting on the beach. The quiet of camping and staring up at the stars.
Ok so it's not that good, but I only had a minute to write it lol.
Just I like a rose
In a sea of daises
First thing to catch your eye
Tired of feeling
Just like a daisy
Still I stay the way
The only way I know
I want to be like a puppy
Learing new tricks
And living the moment
I feel like an old dog
I feel set in my ways
I used to be able to change
Now it feels tough
Rut is too deep
In the distance
I see unpredictablity
Soon I may get there
And change my ways
Writing: Chasing, Thinking Your Worth it All
You seem to far away
I stop to take another breath
I can't keep doing this
I start running again
It's like I'm fixed
No matter how far
I keep chasing
It's winless
I almost can feel it
Energy running low
I slow down in frustration
A time may come
When I give up chasing
Turn around in disappointment
Never look back again
Until then I chase
I run and loose my breath
Numb my legs
Thinking your worth it all
been gone awhile, sorry
So I guess you have noticed that first I haven't posted many blogs latley, and when I do its a poem. Also that I haven't commented on a blog post in like FOREVER. Or maybe you haven't noticed, I dunno... lol. I'm sorry about that. It's because I can't get my main computer to sign me in. Only this laptop will sign me in. I shouldn't be making excuses I know. I have also been lazy too =). So I'm back and in to mood to write tonight and this week.
I hope you enjoy what I write because I feel like I'm in the zone =D.
Love ya all,
Friday, May 1, 2009
Life Is
Moments that take your breath away
Ice Cream on a sunny day
Dancing in the rain for the hell of it
Chasing after what you wanna get
Doing something never done before
Walking along the ocean shore
Picking yourself up when you fall
Living to experience it all
Standing out of all the rest
Your heart racing out of your chest
Making mistakes and fixing them
Talking on the phone till the AM
Falling in love for the first time
Friendships that last a lifetime
Turning the tables around
Tempting away from solid ground
Being yourself even when it's tough
Calling someone hott stuff
Looking into someones eyes
Flirting with the guys
Having friends that everyone is jealous of
Holding hands with someone you love
Seeing the sun in the thickest of fogs
Meeting your prince after many frogs
my doodle!!
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Writing: The goodbye That was Never Planned
The cold water kisses my lips and cools off my hot tearful face. I grab yet another tissue and wipe what is rest of my tears away. The mirror on the refrigerator shows a reflection that I can't notice at first. The girl in the reflection shows a version of me I have never seen before. I shake my head and slam the mirror on the table. The noise of shattering glass echos in my lonely house. I leave it without cleaning up and shuffle my way to the window. Leaning against the wall, a flashback hits. I am watching a movie of my own life from a distance and my eyes once again fill with tears. I didn't know I even had any tears left.
I see the car pulling up the driveway. The usual blasting of alternative rock is nonexistent and he drives up unusually slow. I see myself waiting at the door. He waits in the car for an awkward amount of time then struts to the door. His facial expression is a frown as he walks to the front door but he fakes a smile when he notices me. I am too happy to see him to read into any of these clues. I throw my arms around him and kiss his lips. He shows hesitation in both and that's when I finally notice. I look into his eyes, the same eyes that I get lost in. I see his frown, the frown from the same lips that said I will love you always and forever. When he says nothing, the reason why he has come to see me has become very clear. My arms slip from him lifelessly and I turn away.
I still hear his words banging in my head.
"Baby, I..." His voice is cracked. He always says baby when something is wrong. "maybe you better sit down."
"Ok..." My voice trails and my face starts to feel hot. As hot as it was the night we had our first kiss. I feel like I am taking the forever walk of shame as I make my way to the couch. Thoughts run through my head as he sits right next to me and takes my hand.
"I love you, but I.." he stops himself then he sighs, "I can't do this anymore."
I look at him and there was a silence then he says the ever popular, "Its not you, it's me."
"It hurts me ask much as it hurts me to do this, but I would rather be truthful then be in a relationship that is a lie."
My face turns redder and my eyes narrow. Jerking my hand away from his, I stand. He stands too.
My eyes once again look into his. He looks down.
"You said you will love me always and forever." My eyes close as my voice gains power. "You said that would never leave me. You said that you have never felt this way before. I guess this relationship has been a joke to you hasn't it?"
"No never," he grabs my arm, "I still love you."
"Don't touch me!" My voice is stern and to the point.
He lets go without a fight.
"Your a one of a kind girl, but your just not the girl for me. I'm sorry."
The tears fall from my eyes and I feel weak at the knees. All the strength I gained is now lost and I stand still. I watch him leave without anymore words. Without anymore movement. He opens the door slowly and looks back at me.
"I will never forget all the great memories we shared."
I manage to look at him one last time and his face looks sympathetic. He turns away and walks out the door. I hear the jingle of the car keys and the slam of the car door. I collapse to the floor just inches from the couch. The tears really start to flow as the car starts. I bring up my knees and bury my head in them. I hear the car drive away.
I now find myself in the same position on the ground. I rock back and forth. His emotions, his words didn't make very much sense, but one thing was clear. The guy that I was building a lifetime with, the guy that I opened myself too, and the guy that said always and forever is gone. It wasn't long enough and the goodbye i never saw coming did. Never plan for forever, just plan to be hurt for just as long.
Sunday, April 5, 2009
Writing: Do You See it?
Just for that
that moment in time
do you see it?
At first it's not
Not shallowly visible
She hides it
Puts up defenses
Her eyes talk
They show her weakness
A deep longing
To see something better
They are tired
Just like her
Tired of wanting
Wanting extraordinary
When no one is looking
Her smile speaks
Speaks of dreams
Dreams of him
So look closer
Her eyes tell you
Her smile speaks
She is thinking of him
Sunday, March 22, 2009
Writing: Human
Sometimes not clear
But always searching
Searching for love
Moving from place to place
Keeping my heart open
So I can feel
It's a risk I take
Without knowing
I see you through the fog
Without and expections
Without any warning
I have found you
Wondering if you
Feel for me
The way I feel for you
Wondering if I am heard
Am I loud enough?
Would you find me
Through a crowd?
I am human
I found you in my search
I need to be loud enough
To get to you
Saturday, March 21, 2009
Writing: Does Your Smile Speak for Your Thoughts?
When you look me in the eyes?
Does you smile speak
For what your thinking?
Is your heart racing
When I pass by?
Or is it just mine?
Mine is all I can hear
Are you thinking
About me right now
Almost everything I do
Makes me think of you
When I asked you
Did you really want to go?
It seems the secret
Has been set free
What you say
If you could go?
Would you say yes?
Would you reject me?
Friday, March 20, 2009
Writing: A Moment of Realness
"Hello," Chris says and sits down. I smile and start typing like the fact that he siting down isn't affecting me. "Have.. have you been you working on project?" I stutter. I huff in anger on how I screw up my words. Only around him I do this. Chris and James laugh, but don't bring it up. I continue to screw up my sentences till I slow down and finally get them right. Without thinking, I say everything without thinking. Conversations just flow like its natural and like were the only people in the room.
I glance at Chris like he is a prince. James nudges me. I snap out of it and look at the clock. I sigh as time is almost up. Chris and James look at the clock too then start to pack up their stuff. We three walk to the door. Silence ensues and I look up. Chris is looking at me. He smiles like I am a princess. I smile back and our eyes stay locked. Time stops. Heat starts to rush to my head and I feel a total adrenaline rush. I wonder if he is feeling the same. He just seems so content with looking into my eyes. The bell rings and I break the stare. We say our goodbyes and I float out of the room.
I wish that moment could last forever. It felt like a dream, but it wasn't. It was real and so is he. I just hope the dream that me and him are together becomes real too.
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Writing: Waiting is the Hardest Part
I can hear your words like its happening now. Another risk taken, another rejection. Its like a knife is about to stab my heart. Another cycle of goodbye completed. Almost full circle now.
Another faked smile, another wish that I could change your mind. It's all clear to me. I just want it to happen now so I can get over this. Waiting is the hardest part I guess.
Friday, March 13, 2009
Writing: In the End, it's all Gravity
But something
Has a connection
From me to you
You like scary movies
I can't watch one
I like romantics
You hate them
The connection
A smile
Your eyes
Changes it all
You listen to The Maine
You love their music
I listen to Nickelback
I love their lyrics
In the end I wish
Our feelings are the same
Because I am pulled to you
Just like gravity
For you I would
Listen to your music
Watch scary movies
Love to have a chance
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Writing: Lyrics Speak for Me
I can't turn off the radio
I keep singing
Because of you
Please don't stop the music
Would you dance
If I asked you to dance?
I'd dance in a storm
In my best dress
Holding my breath
What a rush
See you make your way
Through the crowd
Time is going by
So much faster than I
I've gotta let you know
I'm with you
Monday, March 2, 2009
Writing: Best Friend
to you
Over and over
Try my best
I feel myself
Loosing your grip
You promised
We wouldn't become distant
Best friend
I can't lose you
I can only
reach out so far
Best friend
Was it something
I said to you?
I feel us drifting
Best friend
I used to be
The first person
You came to
Best friend
Don't let go
I still need you
Don't you need me?
Friday, February 27, 2009
Song of the week: White Horse
Friday, February 20, 2009
Song of the week: I Dare you to Move
Why friday? Cause friday is my favorite day of the week, even if it means that my break is almost over.
It's 'Dare You to Move' by Switchfoot this week.
Why? Because I think we could all use something to push us foreward right now. Some of you are going through some rough times and I myself dare you to move. I am taking this task on myself too =).
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Uh oh... I'm pulling the race card.. or am I?
I love the point it makes. It seems ridiculous that we have to pay for our ancestors mistakes. Just the fact that President Barrack Obama said it was a big day for African Americans everywhere because it means we are moving foreword is racist. I mean think about it, if we really were moving foreword, people wouldn't have voted for him just because he was black. Also it wouldn't be a big day because he was black, it would be a good day because he was becoming president. I am not saying everyone voted for him because he was black, but common you people did. If our United States really wasn't racist and we were moving foreword into a good direction, the fact that he was black wouldn't have come up in the first place.
Equal opportunity, that's what I believe. The fact that African Americans get more money and get a better education down plays them. They are strong people, just like us. It's the same way for women. I think that because I have a better chance at getting my engineering degree than a guy, it down plays me. I want to be out on the field with an equal opportunity.
I think sure we have moved foreword, but we have also started to turn the other way. Tell me what you think, and go by the rules the Brett says in the video. If this post offends you, then you need to take a good look at yourself and flame responsibly.
Monday, February 16, 2009
Writing: Don't Need
More advice
Only I know
What is good for me
I don't need
Someone to help
To set me up
I can stand tall
I don't need
Someone to tell me
Where I have been
What I have done
I don't need
Someone to try
To fix my own problem
They are my problems
So stop
Giving me advice
Seting me up
I can handle myself
Saturday, February 14, 2009
Happy V Day =)
Like a sister
Couldn’t do anything
Without you
Our friendship
So strong
Not even any small fights
Can break it
I worry about
Our separation
Not seeing eye to eye
But I know
We are strong
You will be here
Till the end
So will I
Best friend ever
Wouldn’t trade you
For the world
My advice giver
My gossip girl
My great friend
Always there
To make sure
I’m doing ok
And having no regrets
Always up
For giving advice
Even if I don’t always
Listen to it clearly
Always listening
When I need to be heard
Telling me
To stop being pessimistic
My FicMom
Love ya chica
Never stop telling
What I need to hear
No one can ever tell
By first glance
Who you really are
You should show
The world how caring
You truly are
Always around
Even at the worst times
Just to listen
Just to talk
We are at
The same level
We understand
What we are going through
My listener
Never stop listening
Never stop telling me
What brings me up
We both hate this day
I think you deserve
A valentine gift
To you
For understanding
Helping me
Through a lot of times
To you
For listening
Giving the input
Just when I need it
To you
For cheering me up
Funny jokes
Funny times
To Emily
Never stop knowing
That I care
And who cupid really is [ ; ) ]
Ficlets Buds
The amount
Of thank yous needed
Would take years
So one grand thank you
Each person brings
Something to the table
Something I can’t to without
One thing
You all do
Is make sure
I am heard
That is the best
Gift anyone
Could ever show
So thank you
My ficlet buddies
Never stop hearing me
I need to when
I am being ridiculous
The guy
That will never
Read it
This is to
The guy has a smile
That could make
Anyone smile back
This is to
The guy that I am
Going after
I am trying my best
This is to
The guy I act stupid around
I want you
To see the real me
This is to
The guy I like
Never stop being around
Cause I want to see where this leads
Moved away from that
I hope we can get
Our friendship back
I hope
You’re doing well
Haven’t talked much
Almost nothing to say
The past
Is just history
I am never
Ever going back
So hears to you
Taught me a lot
You may not realize
What came out of this
I came out
With an open mind
Knowing that no matter
How hard you fall you can come back
Some sort of leg
To stand on
At school
I am not afraid
To tell you
What happened
Even the worst
Good listener
Thank you
For listening to me
Even when I sound ridiculous
Good friend
Many inside jokes
From blankets in cars
To talking about your boyfriend (He so is =D)
That might
Have just made you mad
But that’s ok
Cause you’re a good friend anyway
Friday, February 13, 2009
Writing: Not Lucky Enough
Of all of this
Maybe I should
Just give up
Maybe I should
Just accept that
Things are never
Going to work out
I wish you knew
I do things I do
Because I want you
Just you
I don't want
Just a guy
That likes me,
I want a good guy
One that will
Talk to me
Laugh when I need it
Be serious when I dont
Show me a good time
Smile because you know
I melt just looking at it
I wish you knew
That must be
To much to ask for
That must be
Not close enough to reality
I might
Just let go
Of my dwindeling hope
I wish I was lucky enough
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Writing: If You...
How happy
You make me
What would you say
If you saw
How your smile
Makes me melt
My heart races
If you realized
That your eyes
Are easy to get lost
Just by looking
If you heard
About how
You take
My breath away
If you felt
What I feel
So comforting
Warming and exciting
If you knew
How I felt
I search for the truth
In your eyes and in your voice.
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Writing: Alone You and Me
Deep down
About how
You love him
Deep down
I love to chase
And hope for
Just something more
You say
You're alone
But not totally
Just differently
I am
Alone in every way
Tired of waiting
The chase tires me
You don't Break off
What hurts you
Cause you love him
I don't
Just give up
The fight
Hope is everything
You feel love
You see his face
You have butterflies
You feel alone
I feel crazy
I fall fast
I try to hard
I feel alone
In the end
Whats the difference
It hits us the same
But one of us is totally alone
Sunday, February 8, 2009
Writing: Reality is Never This Good
I see you
You stand out
In the crowd
Now its just
Just you and me
Doesnt matter
How we got here
We get closer
Everything around fades
No background
Only you
Our hands link
And our faces lock
Your brown eyes
Caught in a trance
I go in for the kiss
Feelings explode
Unlike anything
Could this be a dream?
Waking up
Feeling disappointed
Reality is never this good
It may never be
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
Monday, February 2, 2009
Writing: Move or Stand Still
When your stuck
Between two feelings
That drive you nuts
When your sick
Of being lonely
And not having
Someone to hold
When you don't
Just don't want
To hear the word
Wait anymore
But you just don't
You don't want to
Fail again
Hear no again
What do you do?
I am looking at you
I don't know whether
To move or stand still
Writing: When Looking Into Your Eyes
How silly
I am acting
How stupid
I have been
Usually its to late
I have no excuses
For any of it
But I can think
Very clearly
When looking
Into your eyes
Writing: Hard to Wait
When I have been
And nothing good
Has come
Hard to sit back
And see others
So happy
Sick of that
Hard to not want
What has been kept
from me
For so long
Writing: From Where I Stand
A laugh
A sweet voice
Something new
A tear
A frown
A lonely feeling
Somethings never change
I stand
In the middle
New colliding
With old
Wishing to finally
Just finally step
Free of the past
Free from hurt
Hoping I can
Not repeat
The same pattern
Need the new
Wont you
Just take me
From where I stand
Don't want to be alone
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Should Know Me
Everytime you make me defend myself, I walk farther way. Don't shut me down because I am getting so far away that I don't want you to be around. But I should, because you are my parents. You should see what this is doing to me. No book can tell you what it does to me. Only I can, but you should know. You should know me.
Saturday, January 24, 2009
Writing: Not Rewritten or Redrawn
Redraw or rewrite
The feelings of the past
They are unique
Our certain situation
Can't be rewritten
Can't be replicated
Barely can be explained
No one else can
Draw the picture
We drew
Sketched out what we did
The past
Is not erasable
Something new
Must be written
Because feelings
Can't stop
The pages of life
It must be written
But we wont be
redrawn the way were
It's in capable
Never can be the same again
Writing: Feeling Without Pain
Without pain
Stepping foreword
Not looking back
Looking into your eyes
I feel no pain
No dwelling
Just hope
I will let this feeling
Take me in
Because it can lift me
Heal my wounds
Letting the door open
Feeling lite again
Some that I thought
Was so lost
Now holding on
To some substance
Its there
I'm will not let go now
Writing: You Taught Me
You haven't learnt much
But I have
You have tought me a lot
You taught me
That no matter how hard
You fall for someone
They might not pick you up
You taught me
That no matter how hard
You hold on to something
Something can be nothing
You taught me
That no matter how shitty
Things are at the time
More feeling doesn't change that
You taught me
That strong friendships
Can make it through
Past things broken
You taught me
To leave the past behind
Because when moving foreword
It makes you trip
But one thing you
Just couldn't teach me is
That you need to let go
Because time moves on
That there is someone
With substance
That causes light
In the darkest tunnel
Friday, January 23, 2009
Life: READ THIS, I am Going to Live by This Now
I believe that...
That sometimes when I'm angry I have the right to be angry but that doesn't give me the right to be cruel.
That just because someone doesn't love you the way you want them to doesn't mean they don't love you with all they have.
That maturity has more to do with what types of experiences you've had and what you've learned from them and less to do with how many birthdays you've celebrated.
That it isn't always enough to be forgiven by others. Sometimes you have to learn to forgive yourself.
That no matter how bad your heart is broken that the world doesn't stop for your grief.
That your background and circumstances may have influenced who we are, but we are responsible for who we become.
That just because two people argue, it doesn't mean they don't love each other. And just because they don't argue, it doesn't mean they do.
That you shouldn't be eager to find out a secret. It could change your life forever.
That it's taking me a long time to become the person I want to be.
That you should always leave loved ones with loving well wishes. It may be the last time you see them.
That you can keep going long after you can't.
That we are responsible for what we do, no matter how we feel.
That we don't have to change friends, if we understand that friends change.
That no matter how good a friend is, they're going to hurt you once in a while and you must forgive them for that.
That true friendship continues to grow, even over the longest distance. Same goes for true love.
That you either control your attitude or it controls you.
That regardless of how hot and steamy a relationship is at first, that passion fades and there had better be something else to take its place.
That heroes are the people who do whaat has to be done when it needs to be done, regardless of the consquences.
That my best friend and I can do anything or nothing and have the best time.
That sometimes the people you expect to kick you when you're down, wil be the ones who help you get back up.
That two people can look at the exact same thing and see something totally different.
That your life can be changed in a matter of hours by people who don't even know you.
That even thought you think you have no more to give, when a friend cries out to you, you will find the strength to help.
That credentials on the wall do not make you a decent human being.
That the people you care about most in life are taken from you too soon.
Sunday, January 18, 2009
Interesting: We Have to Plan For a Terrorist Attack!?
How can you really plan for one? It could be anywhere. What are you going to do? Meet up somewhere?
It's like were some poor socialist 3rd world country. We actually have to plan for a terrorist attack. What surprises me the most is ABC Family has this commercial playing every commercial run through. So kids run to their parents an say, "Hy mommy how do we plan for a terrorist attack?"
So tell me, how would you plan for a terrorist attack if say the city closest to you is being blown up and you can see planes flying over head? Post your answers in the comments, I would love to hear your ideas.
It's like those nuclear bomb commercials where little Billy is saved by ducking and covering under his desk. Because a desk could really save your life.
Sammy aka Blusparrow
Friday, January 16, 2009
Writing: Don't Want to be Right
Knew it
The way she talked
That you two
Would become one
I’m right
I just didn’t want
To see it
I never do
But what is the point
In being right
If I’m the lonely one
I had my chance
To be with you
I let you go
Now you’re the happy one
Someone is holding you
I wish it would be me
I wish I wanted
It to be me
I still don’t
Want it to be
But does that mean
I deserve to be alone?
Since the beating
I have taken
This is not something
I wanted to be right about
I have to live
With the choice I made
I knew it
I don’t want to be right
Sammy aka Blusparrow
Life: I will post things written here for now
Life Would Suck Without You
Who would have thought
That when I met you
Things would turn out
The way they have
Now it seems
That a day without you
Is incomplete
Even though
It has been a roller coaster
It’s been an experience
That I could only share with you
No one else
Would have stuck around
No one else
Would have said what you did
Because of you
I am stronger than ever
I won’t break
The same way I have before
So stick around some more
Because life
Would really suck
Without you
Sammy aka Blusparrow
Friday, January 2, 2009
Video: One Year in 40 Seconds
I thought it was cool and calming. The birds chirping adds to the calm. Kinda shows how even though 2008 was full of surprises, ups, and downs, there was some calm. Something that you could just look back at and watch. That is why I showed the video. I hope it calms you down as much as it did for me. Maybe it just bored you, I don't know.
Sammy aka Blusparrow
Thursday, January 1, 2009
Life: First Blog Entry, Happy New Year!
If you want to really get into my personal stuff, read my poems and short stories on Ficlets. No, we will not talk about Ficlets expiration. That is to sad to even mention. Anyways I would like to know what you think of my writing so if you ever check it out let me know. If your a fellow Ficleter let me know also. I do have my inner circle of Ficlets friends but it's always nice to meet more.
Well moving on. As the year starts up, I have made some changes to my life. At this new outlook on life along comes a new hair do.
Better than just straighting my hair. I also have made some resolutions! The list is not fully made, but I have some so far. The first one is get off an emotional roller coaster which I am working on as we speak. Ya, we wont get to much into that one. Secondly, I am picking up yoga again. I kind of lost track of yoga with school and other things but I am picking it back up again. Third, I am going to have more fun. By fun I mean get out of the house more and hang out with my friends. That is all I have so far, but I should come up with more.
Now that I have bored you with my resolutions and my new hair style, I'll finish this entry with more information about this blog. I will blog entry quiet a bit, unless no one decides to read it then it will become pointless. Well, I am off to finish editing this blog some more. ttyl,
Sammy aka Blusparrow